Aaron Ross of West Hempfield is taking his quest for love to the public on a cross-country hike to inspire widespread peace and harmony.
Since beginning his trek on Sept. 11 in New York City, Ross collected more than 200 signatures on a peace flag by the time he hit Hazelton last Saturday.
Ross also is toting a 16-ounce brown jar full of water that he collected from the Atlantic Ocean at sunrise. He plans on emptying the water into the Pacific Ocean at sunset in Santa Monica when he completes the 2,964-mile walk in about four months. Ross said the jar represents the hope left in Pandora's box after all the evils were released into the world.
The hike also symbolizes his 3 1/2 year journey of coming to terms with losing the love of his life by writing a 10,000-line poetry book called, "The Fallows: Believe in Love."
The recently released book, self-published through Xlibris, can be found on the Barnes and Noble website.
"I have so much love in my heart, I need it to go somewhere," the 32-year-old said. "Writing the book was very healing."
Carrying a 90-pound backpack, sporting the U.S. and peace flags, Ross said the people he is meeting while on the road are very receptive to his message and spontaneously offer him food, shelter and money for his journey to promote love and harmony.
Ross said he developed foot blisters and sore shoulders from the backpack after a week walking along state roads.
Although expecting the discomfort to diminish, Ross said he still must contend with the loneliness of not seeing any familiar faces.
No one is meeting Ross at designated points along the way, but he did promise his mother, Nancy Mullaert, that he would call her regularly.
"I tried all summer to talk him out of this," said Mullaert, with a chuckle. "In the back of my mind, I thought it was a pipe dream. But there he goes.
"I have to have faith. He packed very well and has been hiking since he was 12," she said. "He is very determined. I just support and encourage him. My main thing is that he has to call me once a day."
Mullaert said she read her son's book, adding that she had three tear-jerking moments during the poem that incorporates classic Greek gods into today's world.
Anyone interested in following Ross during his journey can visit his blog at www.the-fallows.com.