Birth Shopping

by MeriBeth Glenn of Merry Blessings Birth Service ( 11-Jun-2012 )

Have you evver considered that you are a consumer for pregnancy services and birthing options? You are! Just like you are a consumer for buying a car, a cell phone, a house or any other product or service. You are a customer!

Prior to buying a car, you research your options, ask lots of questions, check out warranty options, take a test drive (or five), find the best interest rates and customer incentives, and make a fully informed decision. Because buying a car is THAT important.

Prior to buying a cell phone, you read reviews, research the cellular coverage, ask the salesman questions, go to the store and play with the phone, check out all the features the phone offers, research how much those features are going to cost you, and then you make a fully informed decision about purchasing your cell phone. Because having the right cell phone for you is THAT important.

Prior to buying a house you do lots of preparation. You check your credit report and fix any errors. You save for a down payment. You get preapproved for financing. You find a great realtor. Then you being picking and choosing houses that you might want to go look at. Then you walk through home after home, picking out the final few that might be right for you and your family and the needs of your family. Through a process of elimination, you find the house with the right amount of space, closets, kitchen counters, outlets in each room, bathrooms, bedrooms, garage space, yard space all in the same safe neighborhood. You make the offer and continue to progress toward your goal of homeownership. You eagerly await home inspections and pest inspections. You ask questions and gather as much information as you can so that buy the time you get handed the keys to your new home, you feel confident that you have made a fully informed deicsion.Having all the information prior to buying your home was THAT important!

When you get two pink lines on the home pregnancy test, your work of researching, reading, interviewing and preparing has just begun! Making a fully informed decision about your pregnancy care and your birthing enviroment is THAT important! Once you have found a care provider that fully supports your birthing philosphy and understands your birthing vision, then you can worry about decorating the nursery. But don't start pouring over those stroller reviews and crib safety ratings until you are sure about your care provider! Because the day you give birth to your baby is THAT important.


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