My book Who The FUCK Are You → Family Unit Culture Kindred took me over twenty years of research and study to complete. All my research is now comprised into a book that can be used as a guide to help others easy and clearly understand the Holy Bible, it's meaning and purpose in the scriptures there of. This guide is not to offend or attack anyone it's the GOD honest TRUTH. I wrote it while in the process of seeking the one true GOD, the GOD Of Israel who is so highly spoken of throughout the scriptures. This led me to research all the FUCKS families, unit's, culture's , and kind's spoken of throughout our Biblical History which has become the base of my book. I am a true believer and I contend that the Scriptures are true and this has been proven through the Research Study I have completed contained in this book as a guide to help others understand the Bible more clearly it's a great tool to enhance your study as I have. The inspiring words of GOD and our Savior is real without doubt for me and many many others and you as a seeker of truth will find it if you research and study the bible as it has been written study and show thyself approved not by man but by ALMIGHTY GOD OUR CREATOR. Please make a donation at our mother site help support our mission for The Center Of Hope Healing Of Our Nation (HON) Program supporting our Homeless, Needy and our Elderly from poverty stricken communities let us make this world a little better, we must help each other through CHANGE, change from our ruthless sinful wicked evil way, for the TRUTH MAKES US FREE
Pastor DBM 2013