What You Need to Know Regarding Foundation Repair

by Valerie Schmeltz, freelance writer on behalf of Buckeye Basement Systems ( 11-Apr-2013 )

One of the biggest priorities for a homeowner should be to make sure the foundation of the home is in good condition without any signs of damage. If you do notice any signs of damage you should not delay in getting them repaired to prevent those little problems from getting bigger and complicated. Keeping up on Columbus foundation repair will make sure your home is safe and retains good value in your property. Lucky for you, any problems in the foundation usually worsen and develop slowly which gives you time to evaluate what is going on and decide on the proper course of action. There are a few things that you need to always be on the lookout for and if you notice any, make sure to act quickly.

Narrow or Wide Cracks

If you find cracks that are smaller than ¼ inch wide you probably don’t have to worry too much about those. It is normal for the foundation to settle a little bit over time and the presence of some cracks aren’t a big problem. You can leave these cracks alone unless you would like to seal the cracks for beauty or cosmetic reasons. If water is seeping through then you should most definitely apply some kind of seal to stop the water from coming in. If you find cracks that are larger than ¼ inch wide you may have a bigger problem on your hands. Whether you hire a contractor to repair it or choose to do it yourself, make sure to have epoxy putty applied to stop water from coming in.

Buckled Walls

Although this is more common in older homes it is always a safe bet to keep an eye out for buckled walls in a new home as well. If you notice that the foundation has bowed, tipped or has severe cracks then you will have to reinforce it to stop any further deterioration. The foundation can be reinforced from the inside with carbon-fiber mesh, steel or wood braces, or wall anchors that are spaced at 6 foot increments along the whole wall.

Expansive Soils

Sometimes when a home seems to be off-center a bit but is showing no obvious reason, it might be because the soil that it rests on expands when damp and then shrinks when dry. This type of soil has been found in every state and damaged quite a few homes over the years. When dealing with a Columbus foundation repair for this situation you will have to figure out how to reduce the moisture fluctuations. It may be a better idea to hire a professional and see what can be done. This is not something that should just be left alone to cause damage.

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