Weekly Advice

by Southern Computer Services of Southern Computer Services ( 20-Sep-2012 )


We are finding many home computers infected with viruses and malware due to lapsing of virus protection software. Keep your software up-to-date by allowing updates. Your Internet Service Provider probably provides free software. If not, there are several very good free virus protection software for download:




Speaking of passwords, make sure you have one setup for your home wireless network. This means if someone visits you for the first time with their mobile device they are asking you for a wifi password. This prevents neighbors or others from accessing your network and eating up your bandwidth. More importantly, hackers cannot access your computer files or passwords thru your wifi network.


Hint - Make sure you have a windows password on your home computer to protect your data, settings and prevent young ones from viewing websites without your knowledge. Bbuuuuuttttt, DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD! That will require a reinstallation to the original factory image. Keep it simple.

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