Drug and alcohol addiction is on the rise in the United States. With the availability of prescription drugs on the Internet and cheap and available alcohol, it is an ever-increasing problem. As people try to find ways to cope with the stresses of life, substance abuse and dependency problems are manifested. Many types of treatments have been conceptualized through the years, but the 12 Step Program first introduced in 1939, is still the standard for Orange Country rehab centers and elsewhere throughout the country.
The 12-Step Program
The concept of the 12 Step program is a spiritual based program with self-responsibility at its root. The first step towards recovery is admitting that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion. This is a huge step for someone who thinks his or her drinking or drug addiction is under control. This step puts you on the path to recovery. You have to admit you have a problem before any type of solution is found. If everyone but you thinks you have a problem, you aren’t ready for recovery. You have to identify and acknowledge the problem and seek a solution. If you are looking at Orange Country rehab centers, and admit you need help, then the first step has begun.
A Higher Power
Phase two of recovery is recognizing a higher power that can lend you strength. Addictions are too difficult to overcome on your own. You have to acknowledge that you need help and that higher help is available. The powers of the universe, God, however you define it, can help you overcome the appetites of the flesh. The next step involves other people. You must find a sponsor or someone you trust to help you examine past errors. This step is better served if done with a recovered addict. The fourth step taught in Orange County rehab centers is to make amends for your errors. Sometimes it takes years to fully understand the damage and pain you have caused other people. This can be a painful phase to travel through but imperative to your recovery.
Continue Progressing Towards Recovery
The next area of progress is learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior. You can’t hang out with your old friends, frequent bars, and expect to make a full recovery. This phase is a scary one for many people. Old habits die-hard and new friends are sometimes difficult to come by. The final step taught in Orange County rehab centers is helping others. When you become drug or alcohol free, it is then your responsibility to pass along your knowledge and experience to those still struggling. There is power in this, healing, and growth. You become the sponsor and mentor to help another in their path. It goes full circle and your chances of a life of sobriety are increased.
The Twelve Step Program for Rehab Centers
Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf
of Lee's Treatment and Recovery