The Downside of Kitties and Dogs During Pregnancy

by Randy Winn of Jake's Pooper Scoopers ( 6-Aug-2014 )

The Downside of Kitties and Dogs During Pregnancy

(part 2 of 4)

Household pets, like cats and dogs, are a part of the family. They give you love and joy, and I know that they do the same for you. But keep in mind that pets can bring more than fun into your home—they bring in diseases that can be dangerous to both you and the fetus.

Cats: Your cat can quite innocently cause some trouble during your pregnancy. Cat feces can contain a microscopic protozoan (a very tiny organism) called Toxoplasma gondii. This protozoan can be passed to a human in two ways:

By direct contact. This can happen if the feces are touched while cleaning the litter box or when gardening in an area where a cat has relieved itself.

By simply breathing. If the feces are disturbed (say by the way the cat scratches at its litter) and the sacs containing the Toxoplasma gondii become airborne, they can be inhaled into the mouth or nose of a person nearby.

Pregnancy Facts

The symptoms of toxoplasmosis are quite mild and are often passed off as some kind of cold or flu. An infected person might get a low-grade fever, cough, headache, fatigue, and swollen glands.  If toxoplasmosis crosses the placenta in the first few months of pregnancy (especially in the second month) it can severely damage the fetus. Problems can range from premature birth or low birthweight to serious central nervous system defects and even stillbirth. Don't let this information scare you. Use it to protect yourself and your baby. Be smart and follow these steps:

Stay away from the litter box! It must be cleaned daily, but somebody else will have to do the job.  In comes Jake’s Pooper Scoopers


If your dog has been to the vet this year and is up-to-date on its rabies shots, you shouldn't worry about caring for it during your pregnancy. As an extra precaution, you might have it examined for parasites at regular intervals (especially if it is allowed to run loose). Animal parasites have been known to infect humans.  Although the effect of a parasitic infection on a fetus is unknown, the illness experienced by the mother cannot be good for the baby.  Picking up dog feces on a regular basis can only be good for your pregnant wife, fetus, your children and the over-all health of your dog.

Daddy Alert!

This is your chance to be the hero. Don't let your wife clean the cat's litter box or pick-up after your dog—call Jake’s Pooper Scoopers now. Keep your wife and your baby healthy and happy.

Remember, happy healthy wife – happy life!


Randy is the co-owner of Jake’s Pooper Scoopers in Orange County, California.  For more information about Randy or Jake’s Pooper Scoopers please visit or call 714-928-POOP.

Material sources: Randy Winn, and Google

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