susan – Article Title: Small Claims Court Judgments restore Personal Losses

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of The Small Claims Group ( 9-Mar-2012 )

Each day there are people that are sued for a wrong doing in small claims court. For amounts that are under $7,500 a person can go to court and file a claim against another person that has misrepresented their work or wronged them in some way. Dealing with roommates that have borrowed money: faulty repairs that have been made by car mechanics: and damage that has been done by a tenant that has moved out of an apartment, just to name a few of the things that brought before a judge in a court of law a number of people file a small claim to help them regain the money that they have lost. In San Francisco small claims court filings can be done with the help of an attorney that can represent an individual who is filing for just compensation.

While it is possible for someone to file their own case in California small claims court the odds of their winning a case are increased by having an attorney to represent their interests. In order to file small claims California residents are required to submit paperwork that supports the legal action. By showing pictures of damage property or a bill for repair work that has been paid for a person that feels they were wronged can claim the costs of damage or repairs or emotional reparation by ordered by a judge that is hearing the case. To file small claims California residents need to appear before a court and submit their paperwork and filing fee to a clerk that can put their case on the docket. With an attorney pleading the case the defendant and plaintiff can have a chance to argue their claim in front of a judge and must adhere to the ruling that is made. In some cases a countersuit may be filed by an individual or business that feels the case against them is not justified.

By hiring a lawyer that can help to recover money for a client the chances of being awarded a victory in court are increased. The professional experience to present evidence and cross examine the defendant make it easy for someone to stand up in front of a judge and answer questions about their case. Unlike a trial case there is no jury in small claims court and most of the time the judge only needs to review the claim before ruling in favor of the plaintiff. Although there are times when the claim is unfounded or appears to be ridiculous the judge can dismiss the claim and may order the plaintiff to pay for all court fees. However by discussing the claim with a lawyer anyone that is considering going to a San Francisco small claims court can understand their chances for being awarded the money that they are seeking from the claim.

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