We here at Seacoast site and septic of middleboro ma, get alot of calls about septic tanks that seem to back up.90% of the time it is as simple as a clogged filter on the outlet pipe of your septic tank.Most towns now ask for a filter such as zabel brand or equivelant to be installed in the outlet sanitary T of newly installed septic tanks.Most of the time the tank installer doesnt relay the proper information about this filter to the homeowner.The filter like i said is located under the cover of the outlet end of the septic tank.The inlet end of the tank is plumbed with 4" pipe to the house or building.The outlet end goes out to what is called your distribution box and from there out to your soil absorption system.What happens is your septic tank fills until it reaches the height of the outlet pipe and then the grey water proceeds on down to your distribution box.The solids in the tank settle to the bottom of your tank and then allowing the grey water to flow out.The filter is installed in the outlet sanitary T simply by sliding down inside the T.There is a handle on the top of the filter for removal and service.To service this filter just throw on a pair of rubber gloves and preferably grab something a few feet long with a hook of some sort on it or just remove the tank cover and grab the handle of the filter with your hands an slide it up and out.Then grab your garden hose and rinse the filter thoroughly until clean.Then slide the filter back in and replace the tank cover.They recommend cleaning this filter once a year but i strongly recommend twice a year.This filter keeps any solids from exiting the septic tank and in turn extending the life of your soil absorbtion system.Many times i have been out on a back up call only to see the tank full.Once i pull that filter the grey water just rushes out the pipe and bingo,problem solved.I am writing this article to save people upwards of $300.00 that someone would charge for there (expertise) and time.So if your tank backs up give it a shot,like i said 90% of the time the filter was the problem.Any questions just contact us through our site seacoastsiteandseptic.com.