Raising Puppies-Working with the Public

by Shelley Myers of Pollywood Pets & Acc. Inc. ( 6-Dec-2011 )

Thank-You for looking at our web site... I have been in this industry for 23 years now this November.  I have learned what I know by watching listening,and working hands on with many breeders and veternarians.  It's a daily learning curve for sure.  Just when you think you've got it all figured out? some one, or some thing throws you another learnng curve. I am very grateful to those that took the time to help educate me. My first love in the industry was raising parrots.  For the first 10 years of my married life, I bred, hatched, and handfed parrots. The countless hours of handfeeding taught me dedication.  As I look back at all I have achieved I often wonder how did I do all I did while raising three children, keeping up the house, yard, and all the people I have met over the years?  I sit in my older years in amazement.  Over the last 10 years I have been breeding, and raising puppies.  Wow, another curve ball. My first experience was disasterous.  I was on the bad end of bad advice, bad breeders and ignorance.  How quickly I learned the proper things to do to make sure those situations didn't re-ocur.  I know that the school of hard knocks was my best teacher.  Now, I am known in my area as the toy puppy breeder.  I take a great deal of pride in my business.  I work 7 days a week, talk to lots of folks, have met some very nice people, and some not so nice but, for the most part most people are good.  I love what I do and I am good at it.  I run my life like I run my business, I know that you only get out what you put in, and God is first in my book.  I dont know if pets are my calling but, I know that the joy I get from my puppies is far worth all the hard work. If you are looking for someone that is dedicated, loyal and honest?  I am your go to girl.  Thanks for taking the time, and May God Bless You.


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