Protect the badge

by J. Cory of Protect the Badge ( 13-Jun-2012 )


We need to create awareness and provide others with information on ways to keep (first responders) can their jobs and be able to do what needs to be done without fear of retaliation. 

I have read and heard about police officers and deputies that were fired for not voiding tickets for the Chief/supervisors, arresting or ticketing a public official, reporting problems or violations, and much more. This has to stop! Cities and states give way too much power to managers or city officials.

 (A firefighter or police officer that has been employed for more than six months or a year is entitled to protection. I feel if the first responder has no union, or is in a right to work state, the city and state needs to protect the officer. They need to have a panel or board of no less than five members separate from the individual's department, and be the only ones to terminate a first responder.)

 Yes, I feel every employee should be treated fairly. We just need to start with the ones that protect and serve the public. It is not good to have a first responder having to worry about keeping his or her job if the y report a violation or unethical behavior .

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