No Regrets with Teddy Bear Puppies

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Littledogz ( 24-Oct-2012 )

Who doesn’t like to have a companion around? People of all different situations and backgrounds in life can benefit from having a dog. Imagine a little buddy that you can always have with you and will only make your life more meaningful. Teddy bear puppies are just the thing. They are cute and cuddly and only love to make you happy. They are easy to handle, clean, are good with kids and are so little that you can carry them around wherever you go. But there are even more benefits to having a dog that should motivate everyone who doesn’t have a dog to run down to their nearest pet store without delay.
They Improve Your Health
Dogs of all shapes and sized have been known to improve the health of their owners. It has been discovered that a home that has a dog in it carries a certain kind of dust that actually can protect against the common cold and even the sickness RSV. Another health benefit is that children with asthma actually can overcome their condition if they are raised in a home that also has a dog.
Life can get hard sometimes and having little teddy bear puppies could be just the thing to cheer you up. Sometimes when a big change or event occurs in your life you can struggle to adapt and overcome the hardships of what you are experiencing. Having a dog can make all the difference. Knowing that you have a little buddy that loves you know matter what can really set your worries at ease.
There’s nothing like coming home to an empty house at the end of the day. It can just add to your feelings of loneliness and disconnect from the world. But what if you had a sweet little friend that was jumping up and down to see you as soon as you walked in the door? Your feelings of loneliness will disappear when you know that there is a friend for you that can’t wait to see you.
Having a dog will keep you active and moving. Dogs are naturally inclined to want to get out and play and this will only motivate you to be more active as well. You can go for a walk or a run around the park or throw Frisbees around the nearest field. The possibilities are endless.
A Forever Friend
Teddy bear puppies don’t hold grudges and they won’t dump you for the next best thing. Having a dog around has so many benefits to it that you won’t regret for a second your decision to bring one into your home. You will be happier and healthier for the rest of your life.

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