Moab acupuncture Clinic is now offering a revolutionary treatment for allergies & allergy related conditions called NAET.
NAET is a noninvasive, drug-free, natural solution to deactivate intolerances, sensitivities, allergies and allergy related disorders often with lasting result where hypersensitivities and true IgE mediated allergies are all addressed. undiagnosed ,allergies can often be the cause of common or chronic illnesses which when left untreated may become serious or critical.
Categories of allergens:
Inhalant, Ingestant, Contactant, Injectant, Infectant, Physical agents ( Cold, heat, dryness, dampness, humidity, EMF, etc..), Genetic factors, molds & fungi, emotional factors.
Common health disorders can be managed by NAET:
Ear, Nose, throat disorders
Emotional imbalance
Gastro- intestinal disorders
Genitourinary disorders
Glandular disorders
Immune system disorders
Joint disorders
metabolic disorders
Musculo-skeletal disorders
Nervous system disorders
Respiratory disorders
skin disorders
vascular disorders
Autism, ADD & ADHD
NAET is only an energy balancing procedure that helps remove energy blockages from the energy meridians and restore normal circulation of the vital energy in the body, with the results, patients may claim to have achieved several health benefits including relief from severe allergies and allergy-based disorders. But one should understand that NAET is not a primary care procedure.
NAET can be administered without insertion of acupuncture needles, however if the patient desires acupuncture can also be incorporated during the session. Unlike acupuncture sessions the NAET sessions are shorter in duration with lower cost to the patient. for more info please call 435.259.8483 and also visit: :