Mother-Daughter regenerates skin tissue for 14 years!

by Lisa Kaiser of The Good Stuff ( 20-Apr-2012 )


In a time when everyone seems to want that youthful appearance, too many are willing to go lengths to achieve optimum appearance regardless of the risks involved. Chemical injections, acid peels, burning top layers of the skin with hopes of new skin surfacing or having the old skin freeze somewhere in time. Has this become a society of modern-day Frankensteins? Faces are cut, pulled and stretched. Fat from one part of the body is injected into another part. For what? In the name of “Beauty”? There HAS to be a better way!

In 1998 a mother-daughter team began researching ways to live a healthier life without ingesting as many chemicals as possible, which ultimately clog up your liver and kidneys. They started with everyday products that they used regularly and read the labels. They found that they couldn’t even pronounce most of the ingredients let alone know what they were! Mom began writing these ingredients down as they both investigated to find out exactly what they were putting on their skin and soaking into their bodies. To their horror, most of the ingredients had side effects as a result of prolonged use similar to those that they were experiencing themselves! Migraine headaches, high blood-pressure, clogged pores, dull skin, and premature aging, just to mention a few. Could it have been just coincidence? You wouldn’t think that something so simple as a lotion or soap that you use every day could actually have an impact on your health… or could it? 

They dug their heels in and began to do some intense research on the attributes of essential oils, natural clays, salts and pure other oils. What they found were healing and tissue regeneration properties that were overwhelmingly positive. Their findings led them to study Holistic Health Care, which ultimately resulted in the two of them formulating their own skin care products from soaps to lotions, scrubs to masks, and anti-aging oils to skin healing oils. The difference became unmistakable right away.  Not only did they look better, but they felt better too. 

Over the years Lisa & Jennifer Kaiser continued on making their own skin care products and started a small company called fittingly named The Good Stuff. They shared their secrets with family & friends who were always asking for more. Manufacturing healthy products with pure ingredients that are free from chemicals and filled with nutrients, vitamins and minerals is not only expensive to do, but quite a complicated, time consuming effort to create. Over the years the mother-daughter team never gave up making THE GOOD STUFF, despite how difficult times got with the economy. They continued to share the bounty of their craft, putting everything they had into the company to keep it going. Recently the duo began taking their long time healthy products to craft fairs, festivals and special events. They now have a following of clients who look for them where ever they go. The Good Stuff is now finally making itself known from the west coast to the east coast, and has even gotten some exposure in Europe as well. Most recently, they have spark interest from an upscale marketplace with multiple locations in the Phoenix metropolitan area.

You can find THE GOOD STUFF on the web at

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Visit them to learn more about their products which now include handcrafted mineral makeup. Also learn about Aromatherapy, Massage Therapy, Reflexology and more! They are all about educating people on the health benefits of natural ingredients and how they contribute to your overall health. Remember… what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream and circulates throughout your body.  That’s why you should only use THE GOOD STUFF!


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