Mortgage Refunds

by JC Nelson of Infinity Consulting ( 25-Feb-2013 )

Many people who have had a mortgage through HUD or FHA do not realize that once that mortgage is paid off they are due what is known as an insurance refund.  Because most mortgage holders of a HUD or FHA property do not live in that property or for work related reasons have moved, HUD and FHA may not have their current mailing address on file.  HUD & FHA will mail out a notice of their refund due for them to return the necessary claim form in order to receive their refund they are due.  Should HUD or FHA receive their notice letter returned, it will be placed in the mortgage holders file.  

That is where Infinity Consulting comes into the picture.  We take those files from HUD and/or FHA, research then locate those due refunds and explain to them our purpose of contacting them to verify their current information and send to them forms that need to be completed, have them return to us.  It is at this point our office will complete the necessary claim forms, acquire the appropriate documents that will assist the individuals in getting their refund within 45 days from beginning of the process.

Because Infinity Consulting takes the foot work and headaches out of processing the forms and making sure all the "i.s" are dotted and "t's" are crossed there is a fee of 25% of the total refund. Besides if we do not locate and verify all current information people would not know they have money due to them.  

The staff of Infinity Consulting are here to serve those who are due an insurance refund from the HUD or FHA mortgage. You work hard for your money, you pay your mortgage, and you are initial to any and all refund due to you.  I was once helped and it was during a time when funds were tight and it was a blessing in disguise, so why not allow us to give back in return of how that one consultant helped me as we can help you?

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