Liquid Solids Separation: Parts, Process, and Maintenance

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of of Aqua Tech Environmental Services, LLC. ( 7-Sep-2012 )

Due to the inherently grimy process of liquid solids separation, your dewatering equipment or belt presses may need some maintenance. Following are some basics about the machinery and separation process, as well as a description of maintenance or cleaning needs.

Belt Presses
Belt presses, otherwise known as belt filter presses, are a type of dewatering equipment that passes sludge through a series of belts and rolls to remove the water. Some examples of the types of liquid solids separation process are food processing waste, pulp and paper waste, and petrochemical waste. The features that make a highly effective belt press are numerous, including but not limited to: high rate drainage systems, an extended length shear zone, and larger filtration areas.

The Process
Dewatering equipment puts sludge through a complex process to remove water, which is simplified in the following explanation. It starts with a sludge feed pump, where the sludge is rolled through mixing devices. The number of mixers can vary. A separate piece of equipment provides a polymer and potable water supply to this process to mix with the sludge. It then passes onto the belt presses where plant or potable water is filtered through, and the sludge ends up as a cake discharge on a conveyor belt.

Maintenance and Cleaning
With the processing of so much sludge and water, the need for maintenance and cleaning seems pretty evident. Should one part of the procedure break down, the end product is affected. Each component of the system has its own individual parts that need care and attention, like any engine or piece of machinery.

An effective business should have experience in this type of equipment, should be able to help you solve your already existing problems, to optimize your system’s performance, and to prevent further problems from occurring. Necessary services may include the inspection of rollers, belts, clips, rubber seals, and scrapper blades. Your machines may also need grease in the gears, changed hydraulic and gear oil, and replacing filters. The conveyer rollers or any of the various motors may also need inspection or repair. The possibilities for maintenance and prevention are endless.

Especially thorough companies may offer training to help with the operation of these complex tools, as well as replacement of any damaged or irreparable parts. Just be certain you are getting the treatment and care of a professional who values customer service. This kind of machinery is complex and should not be treated lightly.

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