Keeping A Memory

by Aeleigh Rothwell of Framed by Aeleigh ( 26-Jan-2011 )

Our values are reflected in those things we keep and in the way we display them.  From time to time, people often wonder "what will be remembered" from my life that will last through the ages.  My mother left me with this idea -- what we preserve most in this life and what is precious to us in this life, are people and our memories of those people.  We make our homes a reflection of those things we value.  Just like any family heirloom, our pictures help preserve those memories of our families and friends.  We display proudly those things that we love.  We place pictures on our walls and we place pictures in albums to show to our friends and guests.  And, when we display those cherished memories, we want the setting to reflect and enhance our style. 

Keeping a memory is more than just "shooting a few pictures".  It is creating an environment of love and beauty that show how much we care about that memory.  I encourage you to preserve those memories.  Keep pictures of your family and friends and display them beautifully and proudly.  When we are young, we look at those pictures to meet relatives that might never come to our homes.  When we are adults we preserve memories through our pictures.  When we are guests, we see the display of others and recognize those who are valued.  When we are older, we look at those pictures and remember and smile.  May your memories be as wonderful as mine, and may the pictures you display reflect your love of your family.

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Framed by Aeleigh

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