Impotence: Don't Hide, Find the Answers

by Art Gib of Virility Solutions Distributors ( 16-Jul-2010 )

Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, has been a common experience for men throughout history, though little discussed until recent years. Cultural definitions of the virile male and expectations of sexual performance have caused men, and their mates, to suffer in silence. Embarrassment or misplaced shame has often prevented men from seeking treatment that may allow for renewed sexual performance and pleasure.

Male impotence is an inability to achieve or maintain an erection of sufficient rigidity to successfully engage in sexual intercourse. It may, or may not, include sexual dysfunction such as reduced or loss of libido or inability to enjoy an orgasm. Temporary erectile dysfunction is common and affects most men at some or another for a variety of reasons and is not medically considered to signal a problem unless it occurs with regular frequency. If it persists for an extended period of time, there could be a serious disorder present that merits medical attention.

There are a number of impotence causes that may be psychological, physical, or a combination of both. Though many tend to attribute the majority of causes to psychological issues, the fact is that 80% of erectile dysfunction cases are determined to have a physically based cause, sometimes serious or life-threatening. This makes it important to discuss the issue with a physician if there is a persistent problem.

Common psychological issues that can cause erectile dysfunction are stress, anxiety, and depression. A man suffering from a difficult period in his life including job problems, relationship stressors, financial issues, and the like can suffer from impotence that is emotionally based. If an erection can be achieved through masturbation or is experienced naturally during the night, it would indicate a psychological rather than physical cause.

Physical causes of impotence may be medical or lifestyle related. Medical causes can include diabetes, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, or other vascular disorders. Impotence can be caused by certain medications, including anti-depressants, tranquilizers, and medications to lower blood pressure. Lifestyle causes of erectile dysfunction can include alcohol use, smoking, long-term marijuana or other illegal drug use, exposure to certain chemicals, and infrequent erections.

The emotional aspect of impotence is one that impacts both men and their partners. Sex is an important part of life and intimate relationships, making it well worth talking about openly with each other, and with a doctor if it persists. There are effective treatments available once a cause is determined, so never let embarrassment stand in the way of seeking answers.


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