Have you ever walked into your bedroom then suddenly started floating in mid air then had a gigantic ice-cream cone try to attack you? Of course not, the only time that a situation like that could ever happen to you is in a dream. But undoubtedly you've woken up once or twice in a cold sweat after a weird dream and wonder why in the world you had a dream like that in the first place. The common belief amongst some psychologists and dream interpreters suggest that your dreams actually do mean something. Over the years, dreams have been assigned different meanings if you had a particularly strange dream lately you might want to consider going to a dream interpretation service.
Sleep Stages
When trying to figure out your dreams, it may help you understand how dreams work when we sleep. There are various stages when we fall asleep and three of the stages happen during what's categorized as non rapid eye movement. In the first stage your eye movement starts to slow down and you might jerk yourself awake once or twice before settling down. The second stage is when your eye movement will stop and the last stage is what's generally known as deep sleep. Usually after that stage, during the morning hours, is when the rapid eye movement stage will start. This is the stage where the dreams are the most vivid and if you wake up during the REM stage, then you are more likely to remember that dream you were having. During this stage some people have control over an ability called lucid dreaming when the sleeper has some degree of control over the dream world.
When it comes down to what all these potentially weird dreams mean, there are a lot of different theories. One psychologist by the name of Sigmund Freud believed that dreams were the unconscious wishes of the dreamer. Another psychologist named Carl Jung suggested that dreams are actually a way to express the repressed wishes and thoughts. There are symbols common in dreams that most people have like seeing people either from real life or completely of your own imagination that populate your dream. Carl Jung suggests that these people whether real or imagined can represent the different parts of your psyche. Other dreams like being chased mean you feel threatened by someone or something in real life. Falling in your dream could also represent anxiety you feel about letting go of your control over some situation.
Why We Dream
There isn't any real agreement about the purpose of dreams or why we have dreams. Some believe that dreaming is for helping you process what happened during the day and to get your brain ready for the next day. Whereas others, like Carl Jung, say that interpreting dreams can help you and can be very therapeutic in some ways. Others would say that your dreams will only mean something if you assign meaning to the dream. In any case trying to understand your dreams with the help of a dream interpretation service can still be beneficial to understanding yourself and have fun while doing it.
How You Can Understand Your Dreams with an Interpretation Service
Jeffrey Gibbons, freelance writer on behalf
of Dream Within a Dream