Most of us, if not all have an automobile; I ask you, when you purchased that vehicle, what came in the glove box? Correct, an owners manual. In that manual, you are given instructions on what type of fuel to use and maintenance schedules etc. It would be wise to take the advice of the manufacturer of that vehicle because who knows better than the maker.
Likewise God made man and in doing so He has given instruction for the proper fuel and maintenance of the human body. "Know that the LORD, He is God; it is He that made us and not we ourselves..." (Psalm 100:3)
Many spend more time, money and effort on the maintenance of their automobile than they do their own bodies. For example, you would not put the cheapest fuel you could find in a vintage Porche, so why put junk foods of the poorest quality into a body that far exceeds the value of any automobile. I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made... Psalm 139:14 Our bodies were designed to run on carbs (fruits, grains, seeds, vegetables) see Genesis 1:29
Every decision we make is for our betterment or our detriment. Good or bad health in many instances is a result of the day-to-day choices we make; it is my goal to help you choose rightly.
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