Frustrated Life Insurance Broker

by A.M. Parker of Parker Insurance & Annuities ( 10-Jun-2014 )

I have read several articles pertaining to retirement, which are written by fee based contributors, who indicate that life insurance agents are salespeople out to make a buck and put commission above the need of a client. There are a few of us out there who are offended by this generalization and their slanderous accusations. Here is the other side of the story. My husband and I have been in the insurance industry for 10+ years and decided to become brokers so that we could make sure each of our clients has the best policy suited for them and their family. We have never put a commission above any of our clients needs and always take careful consideration as to budget, and overall needs. We will work with you and your financial advisor so that we know all of your needs are all considered. I know some advisors who swear off life insurance of any type, but most of us all have some sort of need for life insurance, whether it be for estate planning or retirement planning, small or large, short term or long term for various reasons.

Sometimes agents do choose to only work with one or maybe two insurance carriers and do praise only those products and may not always do the right thing, but please remember when writing or reading these articles to keep an open mind because just like any other industry there are good and bad agents/brokers to work with.

Our family is part of the local community and we absolutely want to do the best thing for you and your families.

Do your research, get quotes and give the local insurance broker a chance to show you what they have to offer. You may just be surprised in the genuine concern and care for you and your family some of us may have.  

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