Four Suggestions for ADD Coaching and Organizing

by Art Gib, freelance writer on behalf of The In Place ( 28-Oct-2011 )

If you live with a child who has attention deficient disorder, you may experience many various levels of frustration as you try to help the child succeed. Fortunately with the aid of ADD coaching, you can help your child not only do well, but excel. It is important to accept the disability and then to understand how the attention deficit brain works. Behavior modification in academics and ADD organizing can be helped with an ADD organization tutor. 

Attention Deficit Is Not a Choice

To help your child succeed you need to understand how his or her brain works. The first and most important thing to realize is that attention deficit is not a choice. Literally it can be thought of as a wiring issue in the brain. Children are not choosing to be restless or distracted. They can’t help the natural impulse.

Stimulus and the Brain

Our brains are always receiving stimuli. If you are sitting in a class, stimuli comes not only through the presenter, but how hard the chair is you’re sitting on; how cool or hot the room is; where the pesky fly is buzzing, etc. In most individuals, there is a mechanism in your brain that filters out the unwanted stimuli.  This filter can be thought of as traffic cop that only allows important stimuli to reach the consciousness of the individuals.

With those who have attention deficit disorder, you can think of the traffic cop as being asleep on the job. It doesn’t filter out any of the incoming stimuli. Rather, all stimuli reach the conscious brain.

Behavior Modification

Because the traffic cop is not doing its job, other methods are needed to teach the attention deficit individual how to function effectively. This is where ADD coaching comes in that helps people change their behavior. Many individuals take advantage of medications to help stimulate, or “wake up” the traffic cop. Many individuals, on the other hand, have chosen not to use medication. Regardless of that decision, studies have shown that an integral part of managing attention deficit is through behavior modification. Often one of the biggest behaviors that needs changed is the method for keeping track of things.

ADD Organizing

Attention deficit individuals have trouble themselves organized.  They have problems with such things as time management, financial planning, calendar keeping, procrastination, impulse control, follow through, prioritizing. An organizational tutor who knows and understands ADD organizing can help. Tutors are better than parents, because parents have enough to work on with the child that an outside advocate may be just the key that a child needs.

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