Family Ties

by Melody Wright-Joseph of Friend Soul Searching Ministry ( 1-Mar-2012 )

Family Ties

In the book of Genesis, God created family. He said, “Let us make man in our own image. He created he, him; then he created he them.” Bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh and they were giving the permission to go be fruitful and multiple. Family is important to God, for he gave his son and son gave his life that we all may have a right to the tree of life.

He created mother for the soft nutrient and understand thoughts, she was to provide the loving and care needed to keep the family together. He created the father to be that strong, support, and provider that is needed in the family. He created children male and female for the form of union. To this he called them FAMILY. The importance of family is union; as the scripture states “If two or three should touch and agree upon the same thing God will be in the midst of it.” The scriptures also states that a family that prayers together stays together. God wanted us to know how important united was and will forever be. In the beginning before anything was made, that was made there was unity.

Today is a day of remembrance, to be call back to. Through the years much was lost; some lost mothers, grandparents, fathers, sisters, and brothers but today is a day to recall. Although we still live, yet we are so far apart. We can never get back those lost memories but we can start today by embracing one another and forgiving each other.  Family: F-forgive all—A: Adore the time you have with each other without painful memories—M: make the most of your time together by embracing one another—I: Invest in one another with support, guidance, and endurance—L: Love each other unconditionally no matter what their faults or difference maybe—Y: Yield to others feelings, yet encourage them with your love, support, and guidance.  When you reach this area in life you can now say you are the family that God design.

To the family of today, don’t let this reunion die. To the family of tomorrow never fail to try and make every day a day to remembrance and to the family of the future spend every day with each as if it is your last. Love, Live, and Support each other from this day forward and then and only then can you say you are God’s planned Family.

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