Energy in the body can be affected by the emotional state of the subconscious mind. Able to produce thousands of calculations per second the mind that is operating in the Theta state is far more energized and effective in solving problems than the conscious mind can deliver. Where adults with highly developed brains think in the Beta frequencies it is possible to consider and work on no more than six calculations or thoughts PER second. Yet, by training the mind to connect to the subconscious plane a person can become more productive and effective in every aspect of their life. This is where energy healing therapy comes into play.
You see the mind is the source of all emotion and imagination controlled at the subconscious level memories and senses are connected to the conscious mind and deliver the thoughts that are stored in the subliminal levels of the mind. During the moments between being asleep and awake where it is possible to be connected to the dream world and be aware of the senses in the waking world a person that is looking for answers and solutions or even the ability to heal their aches, pains and illnesses can find the meditative state of near unconsciousness to be aligned to a Theta healer.
In the conscious world Beta brain waves block the deeper sense of self as thoughts are controlled by the individual. Yet, in the space where Theta waves are allowed to pass through the brain a person is able to do more and be more as their mind heals and resolves conflicts. Through the work of subconscious healing it is possible to explore the body and create the health that a person is in need of to instantly restore their health. Because the subconscious is responsible for memory and imagination as well as the senses someone that meditates regularly can connect their conscious to the subconscious and access a higher power that allows for the energy healing therapy to take place inside their body.
A very real and proven ability to think using Theta waves a person's ability to perform when in a calm and meditative state allows individuals that are accessing their subconscious mind to heal them self and be more alert and productive whenever they are moving from a meditative state back into a more uniform Beta wave function. With the ability to provide the training for subconscious healing masters of the holistic arts are able to teach anyone that has an open mind how to be more effective and productive as they use energy healing therapy to increase the brain waves that are used when a person sleeps and has vivid dreams.