EMR Software Companies make Record keeping Simpler

by Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf of Pal/Med ( 13-Feb-2012 )

Over the past decade the medical community has been updating and changing the way the way that patient records are kept. Where file rooms once contained thousands of manila folders that held information about a patient's medical history, prescriptions and treatments the hard copy files are being replaced with electronic medical records. Developed by EMR software companies medical files that once required a paper trail are being converted to data files that can be stored on a computer network. In some locations new patients are having their information entered into a computer that has the electronic medical record software installed on the hard drive.

Looking at the screen that has all of the information a nurse of admission clerk needs to gather before a patient is seen by a doctor the EMR source code enables the medical facility to use data fields to type in the person's name, insurance information and other personal information. Once examined the doctor can retrieve the individual record of the patient and add notes about a diagnosis, medications and other conditions that have been examined or treated. The information is stored on a server and can be accessed and updated whenever a follow up appointment is made.

Eliminating the need for a file room or the use of paper inside many doctor offices and hospitals the electronic medical record software has been adopted by clinics and medical providers across the country. The beauty of using an electronic system is that the files can be transferred by email from a general practitioner's office to a hospital or specialty physician without the patient having to regurgitate the same information about their condition or illness to another doctor that is taking over the case.

Where the paper records are fading into history many medical facilities are employing staffers that can transfer the information from the hardcopy files onto the computer system. With the ability to scan photos and x-rays the EMR source code makes the transcription work easy as files that are less than 5 years old are converted into a digital format and the old records are being destroyed.

Now that technology is allowing tablets to store and retrieve data a person's medical chart can be updated electronically and doctors are able to make their rounds using a single tablet to interact with each person in a hospital ward. Thanks to the EMR software companies that are providing the next generation of data solutions to the medical community doctors everywhere are finding it easier to share information and keep track of the patients that have a large amount of paperwork attached to their illness and treatment file.

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