Chimney Maintenance

by Gary Simmers of Simmers and Sons Masonry, LLC ( 26-Jan-2014 )

Maintaning your investment.Like the foundation the masonry chimney is a major part of your homes structure.Approximately 25,000 chimneys catch fire every year [Don't be a Statistic].Every year you are required to by state law to have your car inspected for safety, poor chimney maintenance is like driving a car with no brakes it's reckless and irresponsable.Have your chimney inspected by a professional mason.The chimneys main function is to remove dangerous gases from your home wether it's from a wood burning fireplace or your furnace.Substances produced from a wood burning fire [creosote]a tar like residue sticks to the teracotta lining of your chimneycreosote is highly combustable. a As it builds up over time  and the internal flu reaches high enough temperature it may result in a fire.Water is not your chimneys friend over time it will deteriorate the cement joints between the brick or stone whatever your chimney may be constructed of. Starting at the top I recommend a cap for your internal flu preventing water,squirrels,birds or other foreign objects from entering your chimney.The crown also at the top of the chimney,a broken crown will allow water penatration into your chimney causing the joints to deteriorate jeopardizing the integrity of the structure.Having your chimney inspected by a professional mason is the first step whether its for a cleaning,repointing,rebuild whatever your needs its definately cheaper and safer than a fire.


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