Blonde Hair Turned Green??

by Katie Auth of HAIRAPY salon & speak - Katie Auth ( 30-Aug-2012 )

Summer is coming to a close with most kids going back to school next week. No more staying up late... Boo! No more sleeping-in... Double Boo! And no more lazin' in the pool all day...well actually that might not be such a bad thing. I know, I know, you are thinking "yeah right"!?! But really, stay with me here, between the sun and the chemicals in the pool water you are one lucky lady if your hair has not turned to straw this summer or even green for that matter. So what's a girl to do about it? Well that's what I'm here for... to give you a super fantastic uber amazing (a little exaggerated, maybe, but definitely worth trying) at home remedy to remove all that 'gunk' from your hair!! First we need to remove the chlorine: Crush about ten aspirin tablets, give or take depending on think ness and length of hair, and add them into a small glass of water. This will create a paste to apply to your hair. Let it set in for about ten minutes. Rinse out. Then shampoo as usually. Next, because we not only want to get rid of the chemicals but we also want gorgeous flowing locks we need to condition the heck out of it! So next on the, umm, menu: Bananas and Avocados. Yum! Smash together a very ripe banana with a very ripe avocado. Apply it to your hair and let it set about 10 minutes before rinsing. No need to condition after this sweet treat! And voila new sexy smooth, possibly edible (but I wouldn't try it) hair! And most important don't neglect getting a regular trim! Good luck!

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