Aritsan handmade jewelry

by Amar Zuheri of Amar fine jewelry ( 28-Oct-2011 )



Can anyone make royal jewelry?

         Making jewelry.... It's not an easy job, I've heard some people say that anyone can make jewelry!!!!!! well, maybe !! Maybe everybody can make jewelry, but can everybody make special designer, neat, unique jewelry? Can everybody create a piece of jewelry that looks like royal jewelry. Can everyone create a piece of jewelry that no one has ever crafted?

Well, I think that not any person has the talent to make a very special, elegant, unique piece of jewelry. It's right that anyone can put beads together, but that is not the most important part of making jewelry... I think it's a matter of supper talent, supper skills and wide imagination. It's how smart you can use your fingers to create a certain shape or a special design.

If we give the same jewelry materials; stones, beads, wire and tools..etc, to two people who are ready to make jewelry, each one will come out with a special design that maybe completely different from the other one... That's what I mean. It depends on the person, his or her special talent and inspiration.. it depends on the way this person select the shapes, sizes and colors of of gemstones, and the way he or she can mix the colors that the piece of jewelry will look like a heaven piece...

so handcrafted jewelry is an artisan work..and people who understand the meaning of being special and looking elegant and different know how to choose their jewelry and where to pick up those pieces which can completely change the look of any outfit to look like a million dollars!!!

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