Time is unarguably the most important commodity anyone has. When you are born you are given a finite amount of time in the best cases and in others the brevity of life can be astonishingly short. The shocking thing is that despite the inherent and undeniable value of time many people spend it on activities that lack any substantive value. Time can be divided into several categories; wasted, worthwhile, work, other necessary pursuits. You would not want to eliminate worthwhile time and work is generally a set amount with little variation. Assuming you are good at not wasting time there is only so much that can be gained. It is therefore the wisest path to eliminate as many necessary yet unfulfilling pursuits as possible. In accomplishing this, an AZ cleaning service can be of great use.
Important Tedium
With the exception of those who through either choice or circumstances beyond their control end up living in abject squalor, everyone cleans. You clean as a child on the say so of your parents. You clean as an adult because you have the wherewithal to decide that living in filth is not for you. But rare is the person that actually enjoys cleaning. It is one of those essential aspects of life that is unavoidable. It does bring a certain sense of self respect to live tidily, but the intrinsic value of spending a day cleaning cannot compare with other more interesting and fulfilling pursuits.
Opportunity Cost
An opportunity cost is something of value that you lose in order to gain something else. Opportunity cost can apply to both money and time. It is a useful calculation when attempting to decide whether a particular activity is worthwhile. For example, assume you make $50 an hour at your job. You need to paint the living room and are deciding whether or not to do it yourself. A painter gives you a bid that works out to $30 an hour. By doing the painting yourself you are actually losing $20 for every hour you could have been working.
Farm It Out
Cleaning has a huge opportunity cost in time. More interesting activities must be sacrificed in order to clean. Your opportunity cost is everything you could be doing instead. You should take some time to seriously consider using an AZ cleaning service. Yes it costs money but the return on your investment of funds is time. Time being worth more than money it stands to reason that currency in exchange for time is a great deal.
Advantages of a Cleaning Service
Jenny Smart, freelance writer on behalf
of The Cleaning People