Through a DVD course that is taught by professional musician, Dem Miller of RockStar Academy, in Detroit, MI, a number of people have been able to learn guitar fast. Viewing the video instruction and playing along with the tracks that are included in the package allows a novice player to pick up a guitar and quickly learn and memorize the pentatonic playing positions. With charts that demonstrate the notes and where to position the fingers so that a beginner can master their fingering in a short time, anyone that is serious about playing can learn at the speed that is comfortable for them. As a student advances they move to the modal scales that are the subject of the second DVD. This lets them make their music “talk” and put color and feeling into their playing like they never could before. This first course also contains DVDs on Chords/Tunings, Riffs/Rhythms, and a free bonus program entitled “Song Series #1,” which covers 10 great songs spanning 5 decades.
Through the teachings that are offered by the electronic learning course students of all levels and abilities can find their inner musician and play the songs they love. No matter where the tastes of the individual lay the best way to master any genre is to study along with the first and second DVD compositions that will help a beginner to gain the confidence to play what they want. This program is not for absolute beginners, but works well for those guitar players who know some chords and scales. If they are serious about learning how to play the guitar a fantastic way is through this system that can be reviewed over and over again on any PC or DVD player. Whether interested in playing a guitar in a band or just passing the time at home the tools and techniques that can transform a student into a master is available to everyone that has an interest in gaining the skills needed to achieve their goal in the shortest time. Perhaps the greatest thing is that learning that might cost $2000 in private lessons can be purchased for less than $100! Mr. Miller has provided a program that serves as a great starting point in quickly mastering the guitar. As one of Dem’s former students, Bobby says, “Dem’s method helped me understand everything about the guitar and how to dominate the fretboard.” To view Bobby playing, follow his link.