Who isn’t looking for a little extra cash in this economy? When you are searching for something you can do to bring in some money, look first to your passions. If jewelry is a passion for you, a home based jewelry business might be an avenue worth exploring. Each of the following three approaches will require dedication and hard work on your part, but succeeding at doing something you love is enough of a reward to begin figuring out how you can make it work.
Designing and Creating Your Own Jewelry
You have the skills and the materials along with a portfolio of amazing jewelry designs, so maybe you need to be selling your own creations. But before you print up your business cards, make sure you have your ducks in a row. Organization is the key to being professional, and your customers will thank you for the time you’ve taken to get everything set up.
Because thousands of would-be designers have jumped into the jewelry creation world, you’ll need to rise above the pack. This might mean you’ll need to learn some specific skills or hone the ones you already have, so enjoy the experience and remember that this is something you love to do.
After you have a good number of finished items and designs for more, you can begin aggressively marketing your business. There are many marketing avenues, including setting up a website, a blog, using good SEO strategies, and creating a presence on networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Showing off your wares at flea markets and crafts fairs, and getting store owners to let you set up a display for sale are also great ways to market your products.
Become an Independent Consultant
Multi-level jewelry marketing businesses allow you to hit the ground running. When you sign up as a consultant with companies like Lia Sophia or Papparazzi, the business plan is already spelled out for you and the products are ready to ship. After an initial investment, you’ll be coached in how to sell products and rewarded for successfully meeting sales goals. Many companies will set you up with a website, and you can buy professional quality marketing materials. Your job will be to find people who want to buy the products, and that is often done through parties, printed and online catalogues, and meeting as many people face-to-face as you can. Not only will you make a profit from each piece of jewelry you sell, you’ll share the business opportunity with others who are passionate about the product, and that yields more financial rewards as you coach them in also being successful.
Be a Jewelry Wholesaler
If you don’t have the skills to make your own and hosting parties is the last thing you want to do, you may enjoy being a jewelry wholesaler. You can do this by finding a company that sells you jewelry at wholesale prices which you then sell for a profit in stores, online, and in other direct sales situations. And yes, you could throw a party if you want to! You won’t have ready-made marketing materials in most cases, so you’ll have to do your own advertising, and jewelry quality will make a lot of difference in your profit margin, so you’ll need to do plenty of research and work to make it a success. The pay-off is being able to offer lots of different types of jewelry with no pressure to recruit others or design your own pieces.
There’s no rule that says you can’t also try more than one of these home based jewelry business ideas. Pick one, two, or three ways to turn your passion for beautiful jewelry into a method of creating income.