Nutrition Clinic

1003 Walnut St
Elmira, NY 14901
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Business Information

Weight Control Services, Health & Fitness Program Consultants
Personal Trainers

Customer Reviews (11 reviews)

Annette from Utica

on Citysearch Jan 29, 2010
By all means, disregard negative comments made by others. The Nutrition clinic and the services provided are helping me to recover from an eating disorder. The nutritional facts and advice are life-saving. My... (more)


on Citysearch Sep 29, 2007
Alot of abuse going on at this place with the male staff,and the director carolyn hodges knows all about what is going on behind the scenes.This male staff member will call the female patients after hours,on the... (more)


on Citysearch Sep 29, 2007
please be very careful if you go to this place for treatment they take your money or insurance and dont even help you,you pay for nothing and you are still left paying when you arent even a patient anymore.The male staff... (more)


on Citysearch Sep 27, 2007
PLEASE DISREGARD THE PERSON SLANDERING THE ELMIRA NUTRITION CENTER-SOL STONE. She is extremely mentally ill and is an unreliable source. I would hate for someone not to receive the help they need, because of this... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 19, 2007
I am a former patient of the Sol Stone Center/Nutrition Clinic (in vs. out patient). They really helped me alot. The people were really nice. Going to Elmira was hard 'cause I did not have a car, but other then that I... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 15, 2007
My experience here was really, really good. The staff was very knowledgeable. I am unable to imagine any abuse going on in this setting. I do not understand some of the other posts. I was wondering if they were... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 10, 2007
Please do not listen to the first poster (also the second under a fake name ---they are in fact one and the same). This poster is trying to start a smear campaign. Carolyn is in fact a registered dietitian is has never... (more)


on Citysearch Aug 10, 2007
This isnt the place to go for real help,they are very unprofessional,I took my daughter there a couple years ago for an eating disorder and they didnt help her at all they werent very caring,also it isnt only medicare... (more)


on Citysearch Jul 17, 2007
Please dont go to this place,they have been turned into the crisis center for male staff inappropriatly touching patients,and they arent licensed staff I checked with ny state and the american dietetic... (more)


on Citysearch Jul 11, 2007
I have had and continue to have wonderful and informative and helpful assistance from The Nutrition Clinic. They work extra hard with their patients/clients and they are indeed licensed professionals and they... (more)


on Citysearch Jun 06, 2007
there is abuse going on at this placeand the patients are being taken advantage of in more ways then one,carolyn hodges the director knows about what is going on with the patients,there isnt one licensed person there... (more)

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