Zebrowski Law

45952 Schoenherr
Shelby Township, MI 48315
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Business Information

personal injury, no-fault, medpay claims, disability, life insurance claims, commercial and residential property loss, bad faith claims
Michigan Association for Justice American Association for Justice Justice PAC International Trucking Litigation Group New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association
Admitted to practice in the United States District Court Central District of Illinois Admitted to practice in the United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan Admitted to practice in the United States District Court Western District of Michi

Business Description

The Law Offices of Paul Zebrowski and Associates is located in Shelby Township, Michigan. Our attorneys handle cases in other states, and have developed a national reputation for dealing with the complexities of insurance claims. We try to see that policyholders receive all of the insurance benefits owed by law and the policy. We represent people injured in motor vehicle and truck accidents, both claims against other driver(s) and insurers. Our clients are those who don't receive the medical care and payments owed under the policy.

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