Window Cleaning Legends

805 E 13th St
North Little RockAR 72114
Window Cleaning Legends - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

window, cleaning, power, washing.pressure, bird, control, highrise window cleaning, lighting, services, janitorial, metal, stone, facade, opos, washing, exterior, glass, high, dusting, restoration
Window Cleaning Legends Services (Enter a description of the service here. Describe the value and benefits of the service and available options. For example: This refreshing massage relieves stress and tension aches for pure relaxation.) $ (List the cost) Exterior Building Maintenance Window Cleaning, Power Washing, Steam Cleaning, Waste Water Management Programs! Building Wash, Metal Maintenance (Clean and Seal), Roof Tile Cleaning / Rain Gutter Cleaning Bird Control Services Bird Barrier ? Certified Installer Assess, Specify, Disperse, Install and Maintain Bird Exclusion Products! Restoration Services Facade Element Restoration and Repair Masonry Units, Concrete, EIFS, Architectural Metal Caulking / Waterproofing Joint Caulking, Sealants, Coatings Urethane and Epoxy Chemical Injection Building Envelope Consulting - Property Condition Surveys - Leak Detection Testing Building Envelope Consulting - New Construction Design Review Property Condition Assessments Leak Detection Testing (AAMA 501.2 Conforming) Facade Access Consulting - New Construction Design Development Existing Building Compliance and Modernization
Certified Highrise Specialist IWCA

Business Description

Website Designed by Window Cleaning Legends ? 2013 at Homestead? Get a Website and List Your Business Interested in learning more about us? Contact Us About Window Cleaning Legends Window Cleaning Legends is a group of national award winning service providers, who partner on maintenance contracts across America. We help Fortune 500, City, State, Federal and Government Agency clients to solve problems in building maintenance care, operations, technology and equipment for investment grade, commercial and institutional properties. Our highly trained, results-oriented contractors and technical consultants serve clients in every major U.S. city. Let us help you with our unique perspective on a wide range of critical property issues. We are driven to deliver on the promise of meeting each client's unique property requirements, exceeding building performance and appearance goals. The initial approach to every business relationship begins with listening to client needs, assessing the condition of the property and making recommendations. CONTACT US Window Cleaning Legends call us today at (501) 258-1732 or contact-us at [email protected] to schedule a consultation and learn more about our highly sought-after services!

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