White Bird Fiber Design

White Bird Fiber Design - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

shawl, table, runner, rugs, tapestry, scarf, placemat, high, quality, fiber, poncho, rug, tapestries, scarves, placemats, ponchos, shawls, hand, bag
Rugs, Shawls, Table Runners, Tapestries, Ponchos, Placemats, Hand Bags, Scarves
Whitebird Fiber Design is dedicated to making high quality rugs, table runners, shawls, ponchos, tapestries, and many other products.
Amador County Wall-Hangings and Rugs Contest: 1st Place

Business Description

Whitebird Fiber Design makes many high-quality, long-lasting products made from the highest quality fiber.

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