Vladi's Driving School

206 Main St # 7
Norfolk, MA 02056
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Driving Instruction

Customer Reviews (9 reviews)


on Citysearch May 22, 2010
Vladi's drivers ed was not nearly as much of a drag a i have heard it is at other driving schools, and Vladi was great to drive with. Also, he helped me out a ton during my road test, and i probably would have failed if he was... (more)


on Citysearch Mar 30, 2010
The great instructors provide an easy going environment that will help anyone learn how to drive. sit back, relax, and Vladi will take you step by step to success. Happy driving! (more)


on Citysearch Mar 16, 2010
Vladi is an excellent driving instructor, along with Ellen. Ive never heard anything bad said about Vladi through people that had used him before. His school was a comfortable learning enviornement and helped... (more)

Jeffrey Plympton

on Citysearch Feb 11, 2010
Vladi's was a great experience. It was very fun and I learned a lot. They teach you a lot of things that helped me very much. I would suggest that you go to Vladi's driving school (more)


on Citysearch Feb 09, 2010
I had a great time at Vladi's. I thought that driving all those hours would be boring, but Vladi made the hours fly by. The prices are great, and I enjoyed the experience very much. I passed the license test on my first try... (more)


on Citysearch Feb 01, 2010
Vadi is a great driving instructor. He taught me so much. He is the best you can go to! (more)


on Citysearch Jan 20, 2010
Vladis Driving School is the best around. Your kid will enjoy themself while learning at the same time. The people are very nice and they create a comfortable environment to learn and drive in. They are also very... (more)


on Citysearch Jan 10, 2010
Having several children take driving lessons over the years Vladi's driving school is the best! Vladi and Ellen are the best instructors that you will ever have. They are very professional, polite and teach at the... (more)


on Citysearch Nov 10, 2009
The worst experience for my child. Vladi is highly unprofessional and immature. He doesn't take criticism well at all. he talks on his cell phone while my son was driving. All he is interested in is money. My child... (more)

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