Vickie Gay Psychic Medium
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Psychic, Medium, Spiritual, Readings, reading, Intuitive, ghost hunter, ghost investigator, haunted, seance, healer, Vickie, Vicky, Guidance, phenomena, telepathic, angels, lightworkerBook Title: GUIDANCE Author: Vickie Gay Learn how to tap into your intuition, how to connect with angels and loved ones on the other side through stories about real experiences.
I teach and train at workshops and classes. I counsel through Readings by phone and live at events. Featured at Seminars speaking and gallery reading. ~Featured at Expos doing S?ances. ~ Featured at Exclusive Events. Usually entails ~Readings by phone (psychic and medium) {} Readings in person at Public and Exclusive Events ~Workshops, Seances, Speaker {} Ghost Investigator, Ghost Hunter {} Spiritual Healing {} Home and Business blessings {} Exclusive Events
American Federation of Psychics and Mediums, Inc.
World rank and national rank: Medium: World Rank 3rd Name, place and date of the events and the organization which gave Vickie Gay her rank:f The 4th National / International Vote of the World?s Best Lightworkers, voting began on September 25, 20
MONDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 6:00PM |
SATURDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 7:00PM |
SUNDAY | : | 9:30AM | - | 4:00PM |
Business Description
Areas of expertise, practice and disciplines:
 Readings - Medium connecting with those crossed over (Phone & Live at Events)
 Readings - Psychic tune into people and things of this world (Phone & Live at Events)
 Channeling - Taking on personality and speaking word phrases used by the spirit of beloved
 S?ances
 Gallery Style Readings
 Public Speaking
 Seminars
 Workshops
Disciplines: Vickie has a sense of balance and harmony. She has always had psychic & mediumship abilities and interested in metaphysics she deeds with respect and gratitude. She is steadfast and discipline in the realms of the spiritual. She gives what she receives. She does not embellishing. She respects others privacy therefor does not read people unless she is asked to.
Describe briefly your very special psychic & mediumship talents:
I have the ability to tap into intelligence in various vibrations, two of which are earthly and the Spirit World. Talking with those crossed over into the spirit world, the so-called dead is my specialty. I accomplish helping both the person I am doing the reading for and the loved one in the spirit world. Both come out of the session with greater understanding, feeling love for each other and with a knowing there is no death. During a reading permission can be given to spirit loved ones allowing them to help in situations here on earth we are not able to handle. Those in the spirit world give me information about future events to arm oneself with courage to take action knowing the outcome of important events. Past and present information in a reading validate spirit knows what is happening here on earth and gains value for information acquired about the future. All this creates a piece and feel of heaven here on earth. In spiritual connections clients have said they experience many emotions all at once, concluding joy and a stream of happy tears.
I uses my psychic and medium abilities to help people discover how their relationships here on earth are effecting them and what it is can be done to make greater impact on life?s journey in love, health, wealth, and happiness?. sending telepathic messages upon request is a wonderful leap forward, finding hidden agendas and solutions to problems are some of my talents.
Are your psychic and medium gifts inherited by birth (A natural gift), or taught?
Natural Gifts of powerful psychic and mediumship abilities inherited by birth are part of me. The more I help humanity, somehow these abilities are heightened by intelligence somewhere or something in the unseen beyond vibrations. I believe learning is a continuous encirclement of my existence. The evolved being I am today is at the brink of the powers available and are to come. I love learning by traveling to sacred sites, involve myself with great lightworkers, and readings books filled with techniques I can personalize to my mix of lightworker skills. I have and continue to learn through studies.
Have you received a formal psychic and medium training? Yes
(Where? Who taught you? For how long?
Morris Pratt Institute course - acquired certificates of completion in Mediumship and Healing. Attended Seminars, Medium?s Circles, and S?ances with physical mediums & mental mediums. Studied modalities of Spiritualist. In doing readings learning came from spirit messages. Travels to the United Kingdom, Canada, and all over the United States of America over the last 22 years, learning continuously, with the best lightworkers on the planet and reading every book I can get my hands on in the journey to learn and help people, in the area of unseen forces.
 Yes, I teach and train at workshops and classes.
 I counsel through Readings by phone and live at events.
 Featured at Seminars speaking and gallery reading.
 Featured at Expos doing S?ances.
 Featured at Exclusive Events. Usually entails ~ Private .
 2015 FACT SHEET: Quick guide to the World?s Best and Most Sought ? After Psychics, Mediums and Lightworker
Advice and/or counseling: Readings
Vickie Gay is a Gifted Medium, Reunites Families & Friends with Those Crossed Over. She sees what others cannot see. She has visions, feels, & hears spirits ~ Angels assisting for a better life here on earth. Talk with your crossed over loved ones, they are not dead.
Connections with guides, teachers, masters and loved ones in spirit. Answers to questions, knowledge, glimpse into the future to make wiser decisions and move forward fearless.
? Vickie has assisted the FBI with missing person cases.
? Solved murder cases.
? Helped families in emergency situations with her gift of remote viewing.
? Sent telepathic messages in times of need.
? Sent Healing energy to the sick and troubled.
? Warned of upcoming events to prevent negative outcomes.
Answers to questions, solutions to problems, connections with past over loved ones, getting in touch, feeling the love, closure with unknown Information revealed. Experiences to create Heaven here on Earth.
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