The P.H.A.T. Kids Mentoring Program

The P.H.A.T. Kids Mentoring Program - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Mentoring, Peer to Peer Mentoring, Education, Youth, Tutoring
We provide: ?Tutoring ?Life Skills ?Journaling ?Chit-Chat (Rotating Forums in which the children/teens can discuss life issues) ?Extracurricular activities and events that are taking place within the community that can provide a cultural learning experience.
Schools, Recreation Centers, Community Centers, Juvenille Delinquency Programs, etc...
2009, TriangleUnitedWay

Business Description

The PKMP caters to children 5-18 years of age that are coming from different racial and ethnic backgrounds that may be at risk and that are coming from economically and socially challenged communities. We want you to join us as we provide community enrichment and outreach programs for youth and adults by preparing our children for the future.

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