The Naturalist, LLC

The Naturalist, LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Wellness Consultant, Fitness, Boot Camps, Wellness Programs, Cardio, Zumba, Self Defense, Fitness training for Obese Children
Detoxification Tea with Wellness Program; Organic Face Scrub/Moisturizer...more products to come....
Personal Training: one on one, in home or office; group fitness, Wellness Program; Fitness Camp; Meal Planning w/Wellness Program.
American Cancer Society

Business Description

"Healing Through All Things Natural"; this encompases the whole person...Everything filters through the mind first, therefore; we tackle the fears, address myths, and educate with sound Truths about dieting, how food should be our medicine; dis-ease and illnesses, how these invade our bodies through stresses of life and how exercise benefits the whole...

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