Bennett Pilgrimages

Bennett Pilgrimages - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Spiritual Tour, Turkish Tour, movements, spiritual practice course, John Godolphin Bennett, Gurdjieff, JGB, Fourth Way, JG Bennett, 4th way, Enneagram, Ouspensky, GI Gurdjieff, Gurdjieff Music, Thomas deHartmann, Body Mind Spirit, meditation, Gurdjieff school, George Bennett, Camp Caravan
Courses Books CD's Movements
Non Profit Books Courses in the Fourth Way Gurdjieff Dance/Movements

Business Description

To take a leading role in promoting as widely as possible and furthering the work begun by JG Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett. To make information available and to publish and promote literary and phonographic material originating from John and Elizabeth Bennett. To maintain good relations with groups following BennettÂ’s teachers and associates. To initiate projects to further the work and to assist others in such projects.

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