The Hearing Teacher

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Learning disability, audiology, rehabilitation, aural rehab, auditory training, auditory processing disorder, central auditory processing disorder, APD, deaf, hearing impaired, hard of hearing, auditory verbal therapy, listening and spoken language, reading, ACT, cochlear implant therapy, early intervention, hearing loss, dyslexia
Buffalo Model, Acoustic Pioneer, ARIA,
Listening and Spoken Language therapy for children who are deaf and hard of hearing, Cochlear implant therapy for children and adults; Auditory training for children and adults with auditory processing disorders
ASHA, AAA, AG Bell, Educational Audiology Association, Michigan Audiology Coalition
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Educational Audiology Association, AG Bell

Business Description

The Hearing Teacher provides auditory training and intervention for individuals with auditory processing, listening, learning, and reading disorders and listening and spoken language therapy for infants and young children with hearing loss.

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