The Coffee Bean


Fax: 724 941 1831
The Coffee Bean - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

coffee service, water coolers, single serve keurig brewer free brewers fresh roasted starbucks povider office coffee service, coffee vending, kitchen supplies in Pittsburg, office coffee service
Coffee,Paper goods,coffee creamer and sugar,vending,soda and juice.Water coolers,keurig brewers,snacks.
Manage breakroom and coffee supplies, provide commercial coffee brewers and water coolers, repairs and sale of coffee brewing equipment.
business offices, factories, auto dealers, resturants, medical offices, hospitals
chamber of commerce

Business Description

Providing managed coffee,tea vending and other office breakroom supplies to office and industry.National and local roaster povider,repair services avalable. Sales of new and reconditioned coffee brewers.Water cooler service

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