St Agatha's School
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Religious Schools, SchoolsJunior Highs
Customer Reviews (5 reviews)
on Citysearch Jan 11, 2010This is a great school if your public school is lacking in facilities and teacher expertise. If you come from a great school system, why spend the money on a school where the experienced teachers are retiring and the... (more)
on Citysearch Dec 10, 2009The teachers are wonderful, hard working and love what they do. Great for younger grades, but the middle school has no electives like Chorus, Honors Art, Band and only one language offering. No advanced classes are... (more)
on Citysearch May 21, 2009This school needs change at the top like an old house needs a coat of fresh paint. The school is showing its age and has no room for modernization. There is no playground for the children to play that is grassy and... (more)
on Citysearch Feb 13, 2009This used to be a wonderful parochial school for the money, now it is outdated in facilities. There is a resource center, or Learning Center, but the staff is not SPED certified and gets pulled out to act as substitute... (more)
on Citysearch Jun 09, 2008I loved this school when I visited, but was turned off by the Principal's cavalier and demeaning way with the staff. I heard her shouting at someone behind closed doors and the person coming out in tears. Other parents... (more)