Southern Pride Lawn & Landscape

79 Lee Road 2118
Smiths StationAL 36877
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Business Information

Lawn Maintenance, Landscape, Flowers, Grass Cutting, Bush Hogg, Plant Grass, Mulch
Lawn Maintenance, Pine Straw Installation, Tree Pruning & Trimming, Tree Removal, Lawn Cutting, Fertilization, Weed Control, Insect and Disease Control, Mulch Installation, Plant and Tree Planting, Sod Installation, French Drains, Walkways, -Landscape Design, Tiller Service, and Bushhogging.
Residential & Commercial

Business Description

Our company is a lawn maintenance & landscape company that takes "Pride" in servicing its customers thorough hard work, dedication, and reasonable prices. We service both commercial & residential customers from Newnan, West Point, LaGrange, and Columbus, Georgia through Smiths Station, Alabama and surrounding towns

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