SmudgieGoose Farm

19221 NE O'Neil Hwy
RedmondOR 97756
SmudgieGoose Farm - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

sustainable, organic, permaculture, heirloom, open-pollinated, vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers, farm, heritage-eggs, Community Supported Agriculture, Central Oregon, produce, SmudgieGoose Farm, farm stand, ONeil, Crooked River, bees, farmers market
organic vegetables herbs fruits and flowers, heritage chicken eggs, apples, artichokes, basil, cabbage, carrots, celery, leeks, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, chamomile, cilantro, corn, musk mellons, onions, chives, gourds, butternut squash, rosemary, strawberry spinach, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, cucumbers, tomatillo, catnip, dill, okra, beets, garlic, lettuce, peas, swiss chard, radishes, spinach, snap peas, sunflowers, strawberries, kale, pumpkins, potatoes, acorn squash, beans, kohlrabi, radicchio, daikon radishes, parsley, tatsoi, collard, sorrel, savory, escarole, arugula, mustard, claytonia, mache, zucchini, honey, eggs
on-site produce stand, Community Supported Agriculture shares, CSA, farm stand, bees, beekeeping, produce market, organic farming, sustainable farming,
Central Oregon Food Policy Council, Central Oregon Locavore, OSU Extension Service, Crook County Small Farm Alliance, High Desert Food and Farm Alliance, Crook County Chamber of Commerce, Prineville Honey Bee Mentoring Partnership
Small Farm of the Month for Central Oregon Food Policy Council August 2013, Central Oregon Food Summit presenter 2013

Business Description

We use only sustainable organic permaculture practices along with heirloom seeds open-pollinated by our own bees to produce vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers on our small Central Oregon farm.

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