Shoe House

197 Shoe House Rd
Hellam, PA 17406
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Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Mar 02, 2008
What a really interesting tour...the Shoe House was used as a bed and breakfast for Mr. Haines' guests, and there was room for a butler to w... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Feb 29, 2008
Don't pass up an opportunity to visit the Shoe House. I've been there on several occasions, and have always enjoyed the tour and the ice cre... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Feb 19, 2008
If you have not been to the Shoe house yet, you need to go and see the Shoe house and hear the story of the founder. As a kid I enjoyed goi... (more)

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