Shelborne Development

8445 E. Jefferson Ave.
DetroitMI 48214

Fax: 313-458-8251
Shelborne Development - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Rentals, Apartments for rent, For rent in Detroit, midtown rentals, rental homes, house for rent, live in Detroit
Apartment and home rentals
Rehabilitation and revitalization of blighted developments in Michigan
Real Estate, Rental Housing, Affordable Housing, Conventional Housing
Michigan Housing Council, The Jefferson East Business Association, Recovery Park, Clinton House Supportive Housing
Multifamily Executive 9/2014 awarded project of the year; Novogradac 1/2014 awarded Best Exemplifies Major Community Impact award

Business Description

The Shelborne Development Company along with Malino Construction are proud to be a part of revitalizing Detroit. With a combined 50 years in the industry, this is truly a dynamic collaboration. We specialize in the revitalization of urban housing with a concentration on historic rehabilitation. Using an integrated approach, we develop, construct and manage affordable and market rate housing, consisting of apartments and single family homes.

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