Sai Make-up and Hair

6222 Satsuma Ave.
N. Hollywood, CA 91606
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Business Information

make-up, hair, makeup, bridal makeup, bridal make-up, bridal services, bridal hair, make-up for asian feature, makeup for asian feature, make over, makeup for prom, make-up for prom, hair for prom, make-up for all occasions, makeup for all occasions, hair for all occasions, makeup pageant, hair for pageant, make-up for pagent, make-up for all event, makeup for all event, hair for all event, make-up for fashion show, best make-up, best makeup, professional make-up artist, hair stylist, make-up for photo shoot, make-up for print, makeup for photo shoot, makeup for print, makeup for all ethnicity, make-up for all ethnicity, makeup for wedding, make-up for wedding, hair for wedding, affordable make-up, affordable makeup, affordable hair, experienced make-up artist, experienced makeup artist, makeup on location, make-up on location, hair on location, bridal services

Business Description

make-up and hair service for print, fashion show, T.V, commercial, advertising, films, sfx, catalog, bridal, special events, private make over and more

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