Sacred Sight Medicine Path

22480 Fiddletown Road
VolcanoCA 95689
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Business Information

shaman, energy, light worker, reiki, healing, native, body, mind, spirit, california, intuitive, readings, meditation, medicine, path, sacred, sight, holistic, alternative
Sage and Cedar Blessing Bundles Gifts and Books Meditation and Music CD Healing Crystals
Shamanic Reiki Energy Healing Chakra Balancing Intuitive Readings Home Clearing and Blessing Reiki Sessions Reiki Classes 1,2, Master Classes Meditation Classes Group Support for Fibromyalgia Group Support for Illness Individual Support Sessions for Domestic Violence and Abuse Human/Animal Bond Communication
Holistic and Alternative Medicine
Reiki Master, Reiki Master Teacher.

Business Description

Located in Volcano,California. Scenic area of the Sierra foothills, one hour east of Sacramento. Providing Shamanic Healing with Intuitive guidance. Sessions emphasize self reliant, intuitive healing techniques for women in all stages of life. Restoring balance, honoring the body, mind, spirit connection. Owner is of native ancestry, an energy light worker. Reiki Master, Intuitive Arts Practitioner.

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