Ron Miller Race Cars

7135 Whiteford Center Rd
Lambertville, MI 48144
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Automobile Dealers Performance & Race

Customer Reviews (7 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 20, 2010
Ron is a great guy and very stand up has been in the racing scene for years! and in the bgusiness of building chassis forever. break down at... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 03, 2010
Ron is a great guy to deal with. He will help you in anyway, I know i have seen it for years. Good people to buy from or have work done. (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jan 19, 2010
i have worked with ron in the past on the track and off he taught me alot about the sport. i think thats why im a crew chief here in north c... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 03, 2008
He's right folks! Once I get done fixing all the rust, replacing the top, fixing the brakes, getting the lights, wipers, dash lights, radio,... (more)


on Citysearch Jun 03, 2008
Ron has a world class silver tongue! He'll make lots of promises but in the end is only concerned with one thing: Ron Miller If you have too much cash and would like to donate to the Ron Miller fund, do what I did......get... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch May 19, 2008
This is Ron Miller from Ron Miller Race Cars. Yes, I sold a collector car to Todd Halverson, although he prefers to be called anonymous In t... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jan 30, 2008
Ron does business on eBay as rmrc7223. I purchased a vehicle from him and it was a very bad experience. I would recommend to avoid him. I... (more)

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